CO2 AI unveils the first solution to compute product footprints at scale

Discover the first scalable solution to compute product-level emissions for thousands of products, unlocking the next frontier to reach Net Zero.

Accurately measuring product-level emissions is key for companies aiming for Net Zero. Yet current manual Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) are slow, inconsistent, and costly.

As a result, the latest Carbon Survey published by CO2 AI and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) shows that only 38% of companies receive adequate product-level data from their suppliers.  

CO2 AI's Product Footprinting is the first scalable solution to compute emissions for thousands of products following leading industry standards, with full traceability and auditability.

Large and complex organizations, notably in consumer goods, will be equipped to efficiently respond to increasing customer requests and create more eco-friendly products. These insights enhance trust with suppliers, ensure regulatory compliance, and build long-term business value through brand image and the ability to set price premiums. 

Proprietary innovation to compute emissions at scale

The solution features an innovative computation engine that enriches raw data and intelligently allocates emissions across the product development cycle, such as raw materials, packaging, transportation, and energy consumption. 

Using Generative AI, CO2 AI matches the most relevant emission factors to product data in minutes, speeding up a process that used to take months. With a library of over 110,000 emission factors, emissions are measured with the highest accuracy.

These features are crucial for large organizations like Symrise, a global supplier of fragrances, flavorings, cosmetic active ingredients, raw materials, and functional ingredients. The company manufactures over 35,000 products for 6,000 customers in 150 countries.

CO2 AI supports Symrise in computing emissions at company and product levels to reach Net Zero in Scope 1 & 2, and achieve a 30% reduction in Scope 3 emissions, both by 2030.

We are delighted to start the collaboration with CO2 AI to measure product-level emissions at scale, from our 10,000 raw materials to our 90 production sites.

Claire du Peloux, Sustainability Project Manager


Reliable product emissions with full traceability and auditability

Customers benefit from reliable, auditable emissions. All data and computation methods are registered in a single source-of-truth, with robust versioning to keep historical records. 

CO2 AI’s computation methodology adheres to leading industry standards such as PACT, TfS, PEF, ISO 14067 / 14044, ensuring accuracy and trust when sharing emissions with customers.

In addition, CO2 AI’s single-tenant architecture is SOC II and ISO 27001 certified, which is key to protect high-sensitive product data and related IP.

Unlocking actionable decarbonization opportunities

Product footprints are crucial for companies to decarbonize. Sustainability and R&D teams need data to make impactful decisions.

CO2 AI allows users to visually explore emissions hotspots at any levels of granularity, from ingredients to materials and processes. They can simulate changes at the product or portfolio level to select the highest-impact eco-design initiatives to implement and reduce the overall footprint. 

Customers may also leverage CO2 AI ecosystem partners, such as Quantis and BCG, for expert insights on reduction strategies. For example, Reckitt partnered with CO2 AI and Quantis to get precise emissions data for its 25,000 products and make informed decisions about ingredients and supplier actions to help lower emissions.

Sharing product emissions to reach Net Zero

Collaboration is essential to reach Net Zero, as Scope 3 emissions account for 75% of a company’s carbon footprint on average. Users can easily export product footprints from CO2 AI to share with their customers and efficiently respond to the growing number of requests. 

Complementary offerings like Product Ecosystem, developed in partnership with CDP, allow users to share data in a few clicks through a secure and collaborative interface.

Book a 1-1 demo with our team or sign up to our July 9 webinar to explore the state of product environmental footprints with experts from CO2 AI and Quantis. 

We’re proud to enable sustainability leaders to transparently respond to increasing customer requests and create more eco-friendly products.

Charlotte Degot, CEO & Co-Founder


Time to act now.

Experience the power of our Product Footprinting solution.

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