Compute product emissions at scale.

Discover the first solution to compute product-level emissions for thousands of products. Fast and transparent.

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Scale emissions computation across entire product portfolios.

Our customizable computation engine enriches your data and allocates emissions across thousands of products. Your footprints are now computed in minutes, not months, thanks to our Emission Factor matching using Gen AI.

Obtain reliable footprints, with full traceability and auditability.

Our methodology follows industry standards such as PACT, TfS, PEF, and ISO 14067/14044. All data changes and computation methods are recorded in a single source-of-truth for easy auditing.

Share accurate data to elevate your brand and build value.

Enhance trust with your customers, ensure regulatory compliance, and build long-term business value through brand image and the ability to set price premium for low-carbon products.

Unlock actionable decarbonization initiatives.

Visualize emissions hotspots at any level (ingredients, materials, processes, etc.) to identify concrete reduction initiatives. Simulate changes to embed eco-design and decarbonize your products. 

We are delighted to start a collaboration with CO2 AI to measure product-level emissions at scale, from our 10,000 raw materials to our 90 production sites.

Claire du Peloux, Sustainability Project Manager

Ready. Set. Net Zero.

Product Ecosystem with CDP

Share product environmental data with your customers in a secure interface.

Emission Factors

The most granular databases with more than 110,000 Emission Factors.

AI-powered EF matching

Compute thousands of product footprints in minutes.

Audit trail

Full traceability and auditability of all data changes and methodologies.

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Trusted by 90+ international companies

Time to act now.

Experience the power of our AI-driven sustainability platform.

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